Category Archives: Indie

The Trip (2011) review

Directed by Michael Winterbottom Weirdly, this film has no credited writer. Maybe not so weird. It's very possible that the picture was entirely improvised by the two leads, Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan, both of whom were in Winterbottom's Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story. Something else people should know: The film is an…Read More

Jane Eyre review

Directed by Cary Fukunaga Written by Moira Buffini from the Charlotte Bronte novel The moment Mr Rochester (Michael Fassbinder) commands the governess of his wards, Jane (Mia Wasikowska) to speak, the film catches fire for a moment. Unfortunately for this umpteenth adaptation of the Bronte chestnut Jane Eyre, their meeting takes place at the end…Read More

Hobo With A Shotgun review

Directed by Jason EisenerWritten by Eisener and John DaviesThis is a tough movie for me to review. It was made in my town, starring an actor I've idolized since I was a kid, Rutger Hauer. I've interviewed the director on a number of occasions, most recently in this week's Coast cover story, which you can…Read More

Blue Valentine review

Directed by Derek Cianfrance Written by Cianfrance, Cami Delavigne and Joey Curtis Dean and Cindy are married. They live in small town Pennsylvania somewhere. Dean's a house painter and Cindy a nurse. They have a daughter, Frankie, and their life is all golden-dappled and domestic. When the dog goes missing, you see the first signs…Read More

The Secret in Their Eyes review

Directed by Juan Jose CampanellaWritten by Campanella and Eduardo Sacheri from Sacheri's novel  La Pregunta de Sus OjosNow on DVD.  Buenos Aires 1974: Benjamin Esposito (Ricardo Darin) is a federal agent assigned to a murder case. A 23-year-old woman, a recent bride, is raped and murdered in her home. Esposito, with the help of his…Read More

Never Let Me Go review

I was quite amazed at this film to start with, since I didn't know much about it, only that the reviews were strong, as is the cast, and that it involved a love triangle. That it's actually hard sci-fi may surprise many. It did me because it's nowhere in the marketing. Just an interesting detail. …Read More