Category Archives: Atlantic

Tara Thorne’s Compulsus screens in Halifax

 Written and Directed by Tara Thorne | 80 min | Screening at Carbon Arc Cinema  A version of this post first appeared on the blog in September 2022 during coverage of the Atlantic International Film Festival — this week the fest having shrugged off that awkward, unloved tag, FIN.  So, this isn't a proper review…Read More

Bystanders review #AIFF22

Directed by Koumbie | Written by Koumbie, Taylor Olson, and Lisa Rose Snow | 90 min  The script for Bystanders has won The Michael Weir Award for Best Atlantic Screenwriting, and it's well-deserved. Bystanders has a script I'd call courageous, how it wades into issues other writers might hesitate to consider. It's the story of…Read More