Category Archives: Friday Night Soundtrack

Friday Night Soundtrack – April 29, 2016

So here we are, four months into the year and I still find myself on the hunt for that next great earworm. We've had a few small samples that you could find yourself singing along with, but overall there hasn't been much brought to the table. But just sit tight...hope is right around the corner.…Read More

Friday Night Soundtrack: Saturday Mixdown Edition

While the week has simply flown by, the weekend couldn't have arrived at a finer time (even if we are slated for a dusting of those frosty flakes). Yukon Blonde was on stage at the Marquee on Friday night, and the Taylor Swift tribute Wildest Dreams hits the stage tonight; it's a good musical weekend…Read More

FNS: Midweek Mixdown

Here are a few songs to help get you through the rest of the week. 1. "Cheap Thrills" - Fake Shark The name alone hooked me, then the song was this unusual blend of modern synth pop with a retro flair for good measure. The video was directed and edited by Steve Bays of…Read More

The Friday Night Groove Soundtrack

Hello ladies and gentlemen, tonight I will be playing this week's Friday Night Soundtrack. My name is Justin, and I will be taking you through some soulful tunes that will get your groove on. Tonight we will feature some shiny tracks by Blood Orange, Kendrick Lamar, Ariel Pink and some old favorites by Al Green…Read More

Friday Night Soundtrack: Monday Mix-Up Edition

After a busy week of vacation, and cranking out our recaps of the recently concluded 2015 TD Jazz Fest, it's been a bit hectic, so instead of forcing out a FNS, it became the Monday Mix-Up Edition.  Some of these songs were discovered while sitting around a campfire with a beer in hand, so they…Read More