Juno Awards 2024 // Media Centre – Night 2: Awards Night (24.03.24)

Growing up, it was an annual tradition to sit down and watch the Juno Award broadcast, especially growing up through the heyday of Can Con, and listening to a wide swath of nominees and winners over the years.

It was exciting to take in all of the events that were in and around town back in 2006 when the Awards were last held in Halifax, from JunoFest, Juno Cup, and a showcase concert at Grand Parade. This year’s event certainly had a different feel, but it was an exciting time in the city nonetheless. Having watched from afar over the years, it was definitely a bit surreal spending the two nights up in the Media Centre snapping shots of the winners as they came through, enjoying their time posing and proudly hoisting up their newly garnered hardware.

Here’s hoping that we don’t have to wait another 18 years for the Awards to return to Halifax (or the East Coast for that matter).

Media Centre Night 2 – Televised Awards

About the author


A proud and over-caffeinated husband, father, runner and writer. I've written for the local weekly The Coast for over a decade and have since taken to creating and writing for HAFILAX for even longer. I hope you enjoy the musings of a guy who has loved music for the better part of 4 decades, and has an album of concert tickets to show for it.
