Category Archives: Science Fiction/Fantasy

Tron: Legacy review

Directed by Joseph KosinskiScreenplay by Edward Kitsis and Adam HorowitzStory by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz, Brian Klugman, Lee SternthalThe mountain of hype around Tron: Legacy has reminded all of us, if we didn't already remember, that there was a Disney science fiction picture in 1982 called Tron. Though it wasn't a huge box office hit,…Read More

Never Let Me Go review

I was quite amazed at this film to start with, since I didn't know much about it, only that the reviews were strong, as is the cast, and that it involved a love triangle. That it's actually hard sci-fi may surprise many. It did me because it's nowhere in the marketing. Just an interesting detail. …Read More

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World review

Directed by Edgar Wright Written by Wright and Michael Bacall from the Bryan Lee O'Malley graphic novels. The backstory: Scott Pilgrim is an early 20-something dude living in Toronto. He doesn't have a job, but he plays bass in a rock band. He shares an apartment with a friend, Wallace Wells, who happens to be…Read More

Inception Wins Summer 2010

As I write this, August 2010 is about to turn to September. The summer is nearly done, and as such we can look back at the silly season of Hollywood film and assess what worked and what didn't. To be frank, I'm still catching up on the good, the bad and the ugly, so any…Read More