Quarantine watching!

Whether I’m one of the lucky ones I’ll leave it up to you to judge, but I’m still going to work every weekday in this global coronavirus pandemic.

I guess I’m considered an essential service in what I do, but it remains to be seen for how long. A lot of people in my life are slowing down, self-isolating and settling in at home for however long this lasts.

But even while I’m not at home every day, I’m continuing to watch movies and write about what I’m seeing here on FLAW IN THE IRIS.

As I’ve mentioned previously, even with cinemas closed there’s no end of options for watching films.

A whole lot of VOD and streaming services offer exclusive features, brand new, newish, and not-so-new movies to enjoy. There’s a #NowStreaming button on this site that collects my reviews of films that you can find on these various services — I hope this is helpful if you’re looking for something to watch.

I was on CTV last week going over some of the online options.

I have assembled a collection of older DVDs from the vault that I’m culling due to space concerns. Most I’ve seen before, a few I never got around to. I’m gonna watch them all one more time, and as I go through them, I might write about them on FITI.

Here’s a few from the stack:

Of course I’ll continue to watch what’s on the streaming services and share those reviews. I’ve got a few ready to go in the days to come.

And there’s an interesting hashtag circulating on Film Twitter, #FirstTime, where cineastes review classics they’ve never seen before. I have a few of those in my Criterion DVD/Blu-Ray library, and many more exist on the Criterion Channel. I may dip into some of those.

And, of course, as more new movies are being released on demand now that the cinemas are closed, I’ll be reviewing a few of those as they show up.

All to say, I’ll be continuing to offer reviews of both new and older films on FLAW IN THE IRIS. I hope you’ll continue to check it out.

Many thanks! ~C

About the author


Carsten Knox is a massive, cheese-eating nerd. In the day he works as a journalist in Halifax, Nova Scotia. At night he stares out at the rain-slick streets, watches movies, and writes about what he's seeing.
