Category Archives: Recommended

#TIFF2023 Reviews: The Pigeon Tunnel, Limbo

The Pigeon Tunnel |  Written and Directed by Errol Morris “Evasion and deception were the necessary weapons of my childhood,” wrote David Cornwell aka John le Carré in his autobiography. Master documentarian Errol Morris helps explain why in this fascinating and impressively concise doc, just over 90 minutes. Cornwell's father was a con artist, constantly…Read More

Sanctuary review — A bonded pair

Directed by Zachary Wigon | Written by Micah Bloomberg | 96 min |▲▲▲▲△ | Amazon Prime When Rebecca (Margaret Qualley) walks into a hotel room where Hal (Christopher Abbott) is staying, she's wearing a blonde wig so patently awful right away you'll wonder about her bona fides. Apparently she's there to interview him about insurance…Read More