It wasn’t an easy decision, but my esteemed co-host, writer and cinephile Stephen Cooke and I have chosen to end our long-running movie podcast, LENS ME YOUR EARS.

Lens Me Your Ears Podcast

The timing has to do with professional changes in my life, primarily — more about that in the weeks to come — and with Stephen’s new work responsibilities, plus a change with our producers at the Village Soundcast Network, we decided this was the right time to call it a day.

Beyond that, I’ve been feeling recently that we’d accomplished what we set out to do when we started this podcast 172 episodes ago. LENS ME YOUR EARS prompted me to watch films I otherwise may never have seen, expanding my knowledge of genre, of international cinema, and of renowned filmmakers like Powell and Pressburger, Ingmar Bergman, Chantal Akerman and Akira Kurosawa. We also watched a lot of Marvel, science fiction, spy pictures, and crime thrillers.

In 2020 I posted this reminder of the first 99 episodes of LENS ME YOUR EARS. Since then we’ve built a whole collection of new conversations to discover. You can continue to find our past episodes on your favourite podcast platform, including Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.

I want to thank Stephen Cooke for being a terrific co-host for these past eight years and for encouraging me to watch all those great movies (and even a few not-so-great movies).

Thanks as well to everyone at Village Soundcast Network for producing the show, and for CKDU 88.1 FM in Halifax for allowing us access to their studio facilities and for airing the show regularly.

And if you spent any of your time listening to LENS ME YOUR EARS, thank you!

As Stephen said on our final podcast episode, we’ll never say never — maybe we’ll find time in the future to revive this project. We’ve had an awful lot of fun doing it.

See you at the movies!

About the author


Carsten Knox is a massive, cheese-eating nerd. In the day he works as a journalist in Halifax, Nova Scotia. At night he stares out at the rain-slick streets, watches movies, and writes about what he's seeing.
