Gary Louris, Vagabonds, Rykodisc

If the music industry devoted their time to promoting albums such as Gary Louris’ Vagabonds, instead of attempting to cram the latest celebutante single down our throats, it would find itself in a very different place. This is an album that has snuck out of left field and clubbed this very listener over the head, leaving a very distinct impression. Fans of the Jayhawks will feel right at home with the solo debut of the former frontman as he remains firmly ensconced in the alt country genre. There are moments such as “Omaha Nights” where he has a distinct Neil Young vibe going on, however for the most part this is a singer-songwriter who is carrying on the Jayhawk torch. This is an album that you’ll have to hunt down, but it is well worth the effort.

About the author


A proud and over-caffeinated husband, father, runner and writer. I've written for the local weekly The Coast for over a decade and have since taken to creating and writing for HAFILAX for even longer. I hope you enjoy the musings of a guy who has loved music for the better part of 4 decades, and has an album of concert tickets to show for it.
