30 Day Facebook Challenge (Jeff Edition) – Day 7 – Song You Hate

The worst thing about this day is that I can only pick one….such a shame. With all of the crap that is being produced, I decided to stay away from “Brown Eyed Girl” and go with something more up to date. I’m sure this comes as no surprise, but the song I loath more than anything has to be “Figured You Out” by Nickelback.

There just aren’t enough words in the English language to express how much I despise this song. Picture taking a razor sharp, samurai sword and driving it into your ears BUT, not deep enough to kill you, just far enough to cause the most excruciating pain you’ve ever felt. All the while, someone is slamming your feet with a sledge hammer. Take that description, think about it, and that might be a 2 on the “Crap-O-Meter” for me (10 being the absolute worst). Nickelback would come in around a 15. I hate this song so much, I’m getting angry writing about how much I hate it. Terrible. It doesn’t even deserve a hyperlink.

About the author


Jeff is one-fourth of the group that makes up HAFILAX. His usual ramblings can be read right here on the website. If reading isn't your thing, he also hosts the Basement Tapes podcast.
