The Maple Leaf Forever

We are travelling to the nation’s capital and beyond at the moment, just before the 150th birthday celebrations. Everywhere you look there are maple leaves! Here are some to make your heart glow.

The maple leaf flag atop the Peace Tower of Parliament is an obvious choice.


A giant marbled leaf is painted on a staircase in Ottawa. Suitable for group photos.


These maple leaf swags were in Quebec City, where they know a thing or two about picturesque.


A bronze beaver chewing on a maple, as national symbols do.


Random leaves on a concrete bench because. . .why not, it’s Ottawa.


Noticed this sign in northern New York State, but lots of Canadian syrup is sold south of the border.


Many shops have items selected for the times.


Photographed through the window of an antique store in Perth, Ontario. I’m almost certain this is not intended as a comment on our BIG celebrations!


About the author

Stephen Archibald

It’s Stephen Archibald doing the noticing. I’m a huge fan of Nova Scotia’s material culture and cultural landscapes. Twitter (@Cove17 ) made me realize I could share what attracted my attention (perfect for my very short attention) and I’m gratified when folks enjoy my content. Pleased to meet you on the internet.
