Global Cities – Pushing Back

Global cities: New York, Paris, London, Toronto, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Vancouver, Mumbai and a few dozen others. The cities with wealth, culture, talent and brand recognition. The winners. List after list  after list ranks cities by their economic power and their international connections. According to many theorists, notably Richard Florida and Edward Gleaser, these alpha cities… Read More

Social Infrastructure

The Atlantic posted an opinion piece by sociology professor Eric Klinenburg on America's failing social infrastructure. Klinenburg believes that America is neglecting places like libraries, parks, schools and playgrounds. These are critical places where people meet and form friendships and connections. These social connections are the basis of public life. Klinenburg's piece is similar in tone… Read More

Paradox City – Vancouver

It's been a few years since I've published here at Social Cities. It's been busy, but I also lost focus on my original message about creating great public space and encouraging social connections. My interest in writing has revived. I have fresh doubts. I have questions about beliefs I held firmly only a few years… Read More

Accessibility is good for everyone

I attended HRM's Transportation Standing Committee on Thursday, where I heard a great presentation on the huge challenge that thousands of people with disabilities face trying to travel. The presentation by Gerry Post was specifically about options for Access-a-Bus, which has long waiting lists and many users who have trouble getting where they need to… Read More

Trumping the public?

"Well, at least we are doing better than the States". It's a common theme in Canada, especially among progressives. Whether it's environmental protection, tolerance, health care, or hockey, Canadians often like to point out how we do better than our southern neighbours. These days, however, it's not much of an accomplishment to say our political system works better… Read More

In Praise of Green

I've been living in the Annapolis Valley for a few months. I'm more of a city person, but I'm thrilled with the parks and trails around New Minas, Kentville and Wolfville. We haven't even gotten too far out of town, but my wife and I, and my two little girls, have plenty of beautiful places… Read More

Halifax: next steps for better transportation

Last week I argued that the biggest challenge in changing how we travel is creating a sense of urgency, a sense that we must create a cleaner, richer, fairer and healthier city by looking at transportation differently. Our current approach to transportation is flawed: our travel uses too many resources and creates too much waste. More specifically,… Read More

Halifax: Travelling Sideways

I've spent the past few years working with It's More than Buses, a group trying to bring fast frequent and reliable transit to more Halifax residents. We've gained some traction in our push for better transit, but have found very little appetite for big changes in how Haligonians travel. There is simply no urgency to address fundamental… Read More

Downtown: still the hub?

I've already written about my love for Downtown Halifax. I think with some attention to transit, public space and urban design, it has tremendous potential to again be an exciting, healthy and important urban place. Tearing down the Cogswell Interchange will also help Downtown capitalize on a key strength - its proximity to other urban… Read More