City building lessons from Detroit

Detroit is the model of how not to build a great city. Their hockey team, however, is the model for how to build a great NHL team. The Red Wings haven't missed the playoffs in over 20 seasons. Since 1997, they have won four Stanley Cups. At their worst, the Red Wings have been good.…Read More

Valuing a good walk

On Friday I went to a workshop on creating walkable communities. At the workshop, urban planners, engineers and people working for healthy communities learned about tools and approaches to making walkable places. It was a great day. There are passionate people working across Nova Scotia to make it easier and safer to walk. Unfortunately, there's a…Read More

Getting people outside

How many people walk down your street every day? If none, is it a safe and comfortable place to walk? If people do walk, is it only to do things they absolutely have to do? Things like taking the dog out to pee, or heading to the bus. Jan Gehl, a Danish architect who has carefully studied…Read More