Tag Archives: wrap

Week 6

It's Friday! Wow, I can't believe this is the 6th week of Lunch of the Week. It has gone by so quickly! I absolutely have been loving this project, it's forcing me to get out of my comfort zone, rather than make the exact same lunch over and over and over again. There have been the… Read More

Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of my Lunch of the Week series! This week's lunch is positively packed with veggies! (Between you and me I might have gone a bit overboard this week, but it's the week before a Big Exam, so Mr. Nomato needs lots of brain food!) (more…) Read More

Week 1

Hi Gang! Today I'm introducing a new series to the blog, Lunch of the Week! Let's face it. Lunch is hard. Especially when you have food allergies. While everyone else might pile into cars and drop by McDonalds for lunch, or your work has (for good reason) forbidden peanut butter sandwiches, or you've gone through… Read More