Category Archives: Science of Architecture

Tacoma Narrows Bridge When it opened, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the 3rd longest suspension span in the world. It lasted 4 months. Pratley - who designed the Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver, and The Macdonald Bridge - sat on the committee that examined this failure.    Read More

Theory: Structural Systems

As we have seen so far, one of the many functions of a building is to resist the forces attempting to destroy it. In the Last post, we demonstrated that we can remove material along the Neutral Axis of the beam, Shape is more important then the quantity of material. If I wear Snowshoes, I am supported…Read More

Theory: Triangles and Trusses

One of the consistently re-occurring problems in architecture is how to cover a large space, when you available materials are shorter then the gap you wish to cover. A Simple bridge can merely be a plank across a gap, But what if the planks you have are shorter then the Gap. Another example is that of…Read More

Theory: Forces On a Structure

When a load is applied to a building, the structure must resist it. All materials have an elastic property that allows them to resist forces. the material, or the structure can do this by pushing, or by pulling. If the structure pushes or pulls to much, or too little, the structure can Move, or fall…Read More

Theory: Loads

Mother Nature hates buildings. She has many forces which try to push, pull bend and twist our buildings apart. These forces are the loads our buildings must be able to resist in order to remain standing. These loads can include gravity, wind, snow, and even the mass of the building itself. Loads can be broken…Read More

On Theory

Architectural history is tied in a large part to its theory. What is possible on the Artistic side, is a function of the available technology and materials. Locally the Chicago Style, on buildings Like Nova Scotia Furnishings, was used to show modernity. Light facades filled with windows, were only possible through the use of the…Read More