Be My Valentine

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. You won't be surprised that there are a few vintage Valentines around our house from old family albums. I've curated a little collection for your amusement and maybe horror. Many of these cards would not work today. When I went to elementary school you gave a card to…Read More

Reservoirs of Interest

I've been saying how much I like the 1913  Robie Street Reservoir and my Halifax Bloggers colleague Peter Ziobrowski has posted a great construction history of the building. Amazing how derelict it looked in 1945 before receiving a new roof. All this talk made me remember a surprising reservoir structure we happened upon in Bangor Maine a…Read More

The Industrial Aesthetic

In 1971 I took a design history class at NSCAD and it changed how I saw the physical world. The teacher was Tony Mann, who had incredible enthusiasm for objects and typography and design. One of the many things he opened my eyes to was the industrial aesthetic, the special look of industrial buildings and objects.  In the 70s and…Read More