Tag Archives: I Say Nomato Travels

10 Must-Have Items in my Nomad Kitchen

Over the past three years, we've lived in a lot of places: Nova Scotia, Saba, Maryland, two places in Louisiana, and we're only half done our nomadic adventure! Since we travel mostly by plane and car and are living in 'furnished' apartments due to the short spans of time we live there, we've needed to make… Read More

5 Things NOT to do on an Allergy Free Road Trip

  Soooo this road trip was a giant allergy failure for us. Luckily (I guess?) Mr. Nomato has an intolerance instead of a life-threatening, epi-pen needing allergy, because our 5 day road trip from Louisiana to Nova Scotia was a DISASTER, food management-wise. I started with the best of intentions. We were going to do this… Read More