Dave Matthews Band, Big Whiskey & The GrooGrux King, RCA

Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King is an album that finds the Dave Matthews Band at a crossroad, with the passing of long-timememberLeroi Moore (the titular GrooGrux King) and the inclusion of Matthews’ longtime collaborator, Tim Reynolds. The emotionsrunningthroughthis album are vividly palpable, as this is clearly both an homage to Moore as well as an emotional catharsis for the band. The realigned DMB have crafted one of their best albums since Crash. Gems such as “Seven,” “Why I Am” and “Spaceman” are the key reasons that this album will spend the summer lodged in your stereo or iPod.

About the author


A proud and over-caffeinated husband, father, runner and writer. I've written for the local weekly The Coast for over a decade and have since taken to creating and writing for HAFILAX for even longer. I hope you enjoy the musings of a guy who has loved music for the better part of 4 decades, and has an album of concert tickets to show for it.
